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Training Course


我們擁有20年跨國際企業內訓經驗,幫助企業實現培訓目標和需求。完全客製化課程是人力資源最愛的選擇,根據企業的特定需求和目標,我們透過會議設計(Meeting Design) 的理念來規劃培訓課程,培訓應該是一個讓參與者全身心投入並體驗新知的過程,而不只是單調的上課。



Meeting Facilitation Workshop

February 17-18, 2024


@Taipei, Taiwan

2 days

解放思維|開會加速器|開啟引導對話新高度 |省時省力省心神


1. 熟悉會議引導各種形式和技巧

2. 學習處理會議中不同面向的挑戰和問題

3. 練習有效引導小組討論和決策

4. 掌握如何有效溝通和協調會議中不同利害關係人之間的關係

針對會議引導核心重點,因應不同會議情境場合,讓課程在充滿活力的情況下,舒心充實地做中學!荷蘭培訓大師 Mike van der Vijver 提供一個快節奏、高效能的課程體驗,兩天媲美純正歐洲培訓課程體驗,內容深入淺出,提供你加速會議的動能,助你抵達引導對話的新高度。


* 限額精緻小班教學,精準提升每個學員的能力與技巧。
​* 課程以英文授課,學員實作練習時可用中文討論​。


Meeting Facilitation Workshop

August 19-20, 2023

@台北中山區, Taiwan

2 days

*早鳥優惠將於 7.31 截止

Early Bird Discount ends on July 31. 

開會加速器|開啟引導對話新高度 |省時省力省心神


1. 熟悉會議引導各種形式和技巧

2. 學習處理會議中不同面向的挑戰和問題

3. 練習有效引導小組討論和決策

4. 掌握如何有效溝通和協調會議中不同利害關係人之間的關係

針對會議引導核心重點,因應不同會議情境場合,讓課程在充滿活力的情況下,舒心充實地做中學!荷蘭培訓大師 Mike van der Vijver 提供一個快節奏、高效能的課程體驗,兩天媲美純正歐洲培訓課程體驗,內容深入淺出,提供你加速會議的動能,助你抵達引導對話的新高度。


* 限額精緻小班教學,精準提升每個學員的能力與技巧。
​* 課程以英文授課,學員實作練習時可用中文討論​。



Meeting Facilitation Workshop

July 15-16, 2023


@Taipei, Taiwan

2 days

開會加速器 開啟引導對話新高度


1. 熟悉會議引導各種形式和技巧

2. 學習處理會議中不同面向的挑戰和問題

3. 練習有效引導小組討論和決策

4. 掌握如何有效溝通和協調會議中不同利害關係人之間的關係

針對會議引導核心重點,因應不同會議情境場合,讓課程在充滿活力的情況下,舒心充實地做中學!荷蘭培訓大師 Mike van der Vijver 將提供一個快節奏、高效能的課程體驗,兩天媲美純正歐洲培訓課程體驗,內容深入淺出,提供你加速會議的動能,助你抵達引導對話的新高度。



* 限額精緻小班教學,精準提升每個學員的能力與技巧。
​* 課程以英文授課。


Meeting Facilitation Training

December 3

@Taipei, Taiwan
1 day

職場進修班 開會加速器 



課程中將介紹開會如何創造 3E:效率(Efficiency)、效能(Effectiveness)以及活力(Energy)

荷蘭培訓大師 Mike van der Vijver將提供一個快節奏、高效能的課程體驗,7小時扎實課程,內容深入淺出,將是改變你引導會議的能力的第一步。

#成為會議引導師的第一步 #純正歐洲培訓課程體驗



Facilitative Leadership Training

September 16-17

@Taipei, Taiwan
2 days


「促進式領導 (Facilitative Leadership)」就是這樣一個新的範例:它利用了組織所有成員的集體智慧、才能和洞察力的多樣性,使領導者可以在不斷適應持續變化的外部環境的過程中,有效地促進自身與組織成員之間的深度合作。




Meeting Facilitation Workshop

March 22 - 23, 2022


@Taipei, Taiwan

14 hours


要擁有徹底高效率且高凝聚力的會議的關鍵,在於會議引導(Meeting Facilitation)。Facilitation一詞(字意:「讓事情更容易」),透過專業且充分瞭解會議溝通模式的會議引導師(Meeting Facilitator),透過引導促進與會者投入參與討論,有效改善會議成效。




Meeting Design Level 1
會議內容設計 - 初階

March 26 - 27, 2022


@Taipei, Taiwan

14 hours

We will explore 7 ways of looking at meetings and determine what the 7 ways mean for the actual design of an effective program. We will also get into the messages sent by meeting venues and received unconsciously by participants. and we give you an insight in the professional reality of being a meeting designer and the creative and analytical skills required for that profession. Finally, we give you a number of specific experiences related to the core of what meeting design is. Get ready for an intense, interactive and fun learning experience!

會議活動規劃者必看 - 讓與會者停止滑手機、不打瞌睡的祕笈大公開

「開會」救星來了,透過會議內容設計能夠更準確達成會議目標,不再只是形式上的訊息傳遞,而是建構會議參與者之間的橋樑,透過深度交流、自我思考後得出最深刻的想法,讓每位參與者在會議結束後都能滿載而歸。Meeting Designer創造設計出一場更符合會議目的內容及形式,整個設計像是一部劇本般解釋會議中所設計的內容將由誰來執行,以何種方式所呈現。是時候該讓開會變成真正有效率、有效和有能量!


Meeting Design Level 2
會議內容設計 - 進階

April 9 - 10, 2022


@Taipei, Taiwan

14 hours

We offer 3 Meeting Design courses. All are based on the development of the following seven competencies.

1. Translate content into forms;  
2. Understand how people learn; 
3. Work with (large) groups; 
4. Analytic thinking; 
5. Intercultural insight; 
6. Journalistic curiosity and doggedness; 
7. Understanding of organizational dynamics.










Facilitation Workshop – Basic
引導工作坊  - 初階

July 03 - 04, 2021


@Taipei, Taiwan

14 hours

Facilitation (literally: “making things easy”) is the process by which meetings can be improved dramatically. It requires skilled facilitators who have an in-depth understanding of how meetings work as a form of communications. Facilitation is a skill and therefore our training is to a large extent skills training. This means that we integrate the technical and theoretical knowledge into exercises that allow participants to practice their skills with the group. They receive immediate feedback, which is an essential part of the learning.

會議幾乎可說是組織的最重要的一環,如何達到會議成效? 這其中的關鍵,在於會議引導(Meeting Facilitation)。即是透過專業且充分瞭解溝通模式的會議引導師(Meeting Facilitator),引領與會者投入參與會議內容,讓會議在快速及有效的時間內達成開會的目的。會議引導是項技能,透過有計畫及步驟的指導,讓參與者能夠與組員共同練習,做中學是最快的途徑。

On-line Facilitation Mini Course

May 26, 2021


@Google Meet

88 mins

Are you involved in on-line meetings and you have this feeling those meetings could be better? You may be right! On-line meetings are different from face-to-face meetings. We all know that. But what to do if you want make them work? Make them work for your team and for you personally?
Orange Gibbon’s on-line facilitation mini course shows you 8 solutions to create better on-line meetings, in 88 minutes. Quick and effective, and of course, on-line!

Cross-Cultural Management Workshop

January 14, 2021

@Taipei, Taiwan

7 hours

If you have regular work contacts with people from abroad, you will recognize that sometimes you think you know what is happening in these relations, but you are not really sure. We see people’s behaviours, we hear what they say, but we are not really sure what it all means… The workshop will connect the day-to-day reality of working with people from other countries to a model that captures cultural differences in 5 so-called dimensions. It is easy to understand and it will become a powerful tool you can use at any point in your working (and personal!) life. It is called the Hofstede-model and it is recognized worldwide as one of the best validated models for this purpose, soundly based on scientific research. We will translate the model into your day-to-day activities, personalizing your learning. We will do this by combining exercises and case studies, as well as the personal experiences of participants.


Design Thinking Workshop for Start-ups

Co-facilitated by Meeting Designer and Design Thinking Trainer, this workshop will lead you to remodel your mindset by corporating two useful methodologies for your daily tasks as well as big projects. You will learn the five practical tools: Double Diamond / User Canvas Model / POV / HOW Might Questions / Prototyping.

January 11, 2021


@Taipei, Taiwan

7 hours

Hybrid Meeting Design

December 11

@Taipei, Taiwan

3 hours

Ready for the new meeting normal in a post-pandemic world? 
The purpose of this course/workshop/seminar is to give you the understanding and skills necessary to bring out the best of hybrid meetings. From meetings-by-default to meetings-by-design, we will together re-think what “meetings” mean to us, so that we can truly carry out successful hybrid meetings. You will have opportunities to practice key learnings and improve through feedback. By the end of the training, you will view hybrid meetings with a new, exciting perspective!

Facilitation Workshop for Formats

December 7-8


@Taipei, Taiwan

2 days

This training is a specific follow-up to Orange Gibbon’s Facilitation Skills Training. It teaches facilitators the ins and outs of 4 formats. At the end of the training facilitators will be able to use the formats for group work. They will receive a certificate testifying to their proven abilities to work with these formats.


Facilitation Workshop – Basic
引導工作坊  - 初階

November 8-9


@Taipei, Taiwan

2 days

Facilitation (literally: “making things easy”) is the process by which meetings can be improved dramatically. It requires skilled facilitators who have an in-depth understanding of how meetings work as a form of communications. Facilitation is a skill and therefore our training is to a large extent skills training. This means that we integrate the technical and theoretical knowledge into exercises that allow participants to practice their skills with the group. They receive immediate feedback, which is an essential part of the learning.

會議幾乎可說是組織的最重要的一環,如何達到會議成效? 這其中的關鍵,在於會議引導(Meeting Facilitation)。即是透過專業且充分瞭解溝通模式的會議引導師(Meeting Facilitator),引領與會者投入參與會議內容,讓會議在快速及有效的時間內達成開會的目的。會議引導是項技能,透過有計畫及步驟的指導,讓參與者能夠與組員共同練習,做中學是最快的途徑。


Meeting Design Level 1
會議內容設計 - 初階

November 5-6

@Taipei, Taiwan
2 days

We will explore 7 ways of looking at meetings and determine what the 7 ways mean for the actual design of an effective program. We will also get into the messages sent by meeting venues and received unconsciously by participants. and we give you an insight in the professional reality of being a meeting designer and the creative and analytical skills required for that profession. Finally, we give you a number of specific experiences related to the core of what meeting design is. Get ready for an intense, interactive and fun learning experience!

會議活動規劃者必看 - 讓與會者停止滑手機、不打瞌睡的祕笈大公開
「開會」救星來了,透過會議內容設計能夠更準確達成會議目標,不再只是形式上的訊息傳遞,而是建構會議參與者之間的橋樑,透過深度交流、自我思考後得出最深刻的想法,讓每位參與者在會議結束後都能滿載而歸。Meeting Designer創造設計出一場更符合會議目的內容及形式,整個設計像是一部劇本般解釋會議中所設計的內容將由誰來執行,以何種方式所呈現。是時候該讓開會變成真正有效率、有效和有能量!


Hybrid Meeting Design

October 29


@Taipei, Taiwan

4 hours

The purpose of this course/workshop/seminar is to give you the understanding and skills necessary to bring out the best of hybrid meetings. From meetings-by-default to meetings-by-design, we will together re-think what “meetings” mean to us, so that we can truly carry out successful hybrid meetings. You will have opportunities to practice key learnings and improve through feedback. By the end of the training, you will view hybrid meetings with a new, exciting perspective!

幫助學員發揮視訊會議的效能,利用Meeting Design的會議引導技巧,以全新視角規劃、執行視訊會議,讓新型態的會議超越以往任何的會議體驗,讓線上與線下為數更多的會議參與者能夠充分投入。課程包括現場實務模擬,讓每個學員都可以透過實作與反饋,立即上手設計新型態會議。

Meeting Design Level 1

March 19-20

@Taipei, Taiwan
2 days

This is the fundamental course for those who are new to Meeting Design but have the general idea about meetings. In this session, you will learn how to make meetings / conferences / events more effective and efficient with MD 7 golden principles.

Facilitative Leadership Training

March 17-18

@Taipei, Taiwan
2 days

In this session you will learn how to facilitate a meeting as a leader. By doing so, you would see leadership from a new perspective and become a supportive leader.

Facilitation Workshop

February 3-4

@ Taipei, Taiwan

This course tackles meetings from the basics to some of their most subtle processes. It addresses the gap there is between the way people would like to be able to run their meetings and how they are actually run in practice.

Training Course: 行程
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