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Meeting Recalibration.

In an excellent collaboration with Masters in Moderation, Orange Gibbons Eric de Groot quickly responded to a remarkable request. A...


你在線上的專注力可以多長? 在規劃線上會議時,你還是把之前那份議程表原封不動的搬到線上嗎?小心!這可能會是一場災難的開始。因為在線下(實體)會議時,除了坐著聽演講外,還有茶敘、午餐、甚至突然巧遇的同事、朋友可以轉換場景、喘口氣,一旦轉為線上,這些切分好的時刻都將在同一個場域...

Get to Talk!

Here is one of the most remarkable meetings I have designed so far. With the following simple tools: - A rolling table that could move...

What affects your attention?

In the Oil&Gas industry, safety is a number one priority. Things can turn nasty easily, because a small mistake can have a huge impact in...

Insight : Blog2
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